Monday, May 26, 2008

Woodberry Kitchen, Baltimore

Went this weekend to one of the new hot restaurants in Baltimore, Woodberry Kitchen, located in the renovated Clipper Mill area of town. The restaurant specializes in local and seasonal food of the Chesapeake region.

We started with a snack of popcorn with butter and sea salt. The item was simple, but just right.
I also got a soup of stinging nettle as a starter. The flavor was interesting- nice- reminded me of the taste of fresh spinach (before it is cooked). It was light and delicious.

My date, Kelly, got the vegetable with dumplings entree. It had some seasonal asparagus, mushrooms, bok choy, and nice delicious dumplings.

For my entree, I got one of the specials, braised lamb shoulder with bread pudding and an orange rhubarb compote. The lamb was cooked so it was moist and flavorful, and the bread pudding was a pleasant side to the dish.

For dessert, we shared a chocolate pudding topped with whipped cream- again simple, but just right to end a great meal.
I look forward to going back to try more items from their broad menu including flatbreads and oysters.

2010 Clipper Park Road, No. 126
Baltimore, MD 21211
(410) 464-8000

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks good